Do You Even Mobility?

A few months ago I came across a very informative video by Dom Mazetti, a distinguished professor of bro-science. In the video, Dom uses a flow chart and well-established principles of bro-logic to determine whether someone "even lifts." If you haven't already watched it, I highly recommend it.

So why am I posting a video about bodybuilding on a site devoted to "better movement"?

The movement community has a lot to learn from the lifting community, which has been trading rumor, gossip and anecdotes about how to get huge for more than fifty years. By comparison, the "movement" community is still in its infancy. Concepts like functional movement, “better movement”, primal movement, rehabbing, prehabbing, releasing, activating, mobilizing, melting and centrating have not been around for as long.

But due to internet discussion on forums and Facebook, we have already made quick progress - we are on the road to building a true bro-science related to movement. I think this process will accelerate if we start to identify who among us really deserves any credit for having movement quality. Body builders can easily decide whose programs to follow by looking at the size of a coach's muscles. In the movement world, how do we judge who is worth listening to?

With that in mind, I have developed a chart similar to Brofessor Mazetti's which seeks to answer the question: Do You Even Mobility?

Check it out and let me know what you think. To see the whole chart, right click on the image and open it in a new window.

Blog - Do you even mobility

I think I may have left some things out of this, even though it took me more than an hour. Feel free to provide comments below. And next time someone says anything on Facebook or an internet forum about mobility or movement, make sure to ask whether they even mobility. That's how the peer review process works.

Quick disclaimer: I have studied and used nearly every method listed on the chart. Just having some fun. 
